January 2021
“Climate change is real, and I feel that anyone in a position that can make a change in this world no matter how small it may seem, should do it” – Joseph Wainwright.
Wainwright Facades was featured as the Carbon Positive Australia Carbon Heroes for January 2021 for the change our team is making by supporting their planting projects!
Read the full article here.

December 2020
Wainwright Facades director, Joseph Wainwright, was interviewed by Sam Dodimead for the Canberra Property Podcast
Joe talks about when he started working in cladding in England and how he decided to create a timber cladding company in Australia.
Listen to the episode here.

April 2020
Wellington Architectural timber panels were featured in the ArchitectureAU newsletter on 30 April 2020. These panels were proudly installed by Wainwright Facades.
February 2020
The perforated panels by Wellington Architectural which were installed by Wainwright Facades were featured in the February 2020 issue of Architectural Product News.
May 2019
It's only in it's second year but World Bee Day is already creating quite the buzz. Celebrations have been held across the country as interest in keeping bees increases and the fight to save the species ramps up.
WIN News Canberra featured our World Bee Day pop up installation which you can see in the background behind Doug Purdie speaking about the event.
January 2020
The angular timber panels at Yamaroshi were featured in the January 2020 Selector newsletter. Installed by Wainwright Facades, the facade features Wellington Architectural's custom Epsilon panels.
May 2019
Wainwright Facades new office was featured in the May 2019 Selector newsletter. The office features Wellington Architectural's perforated panels.
February 2019
The Light Vault house in Brighton, designed by Chamberlain Architects, was featured in ArchitectureAU and The Local Project. The project features our Epsilon panel in radiata pine on the ceiling to offset the cool tones of the concrete house.
December 2018
Wainwright Facades was featured in Issue 125 (December 2018) of Houses Magazine.
The Light Vault house in Brighton, designed by Chamberlain Architects, features our Epsilon panel in radiata pine on the ceiling to offset the cool tones of the concrete house.

February 2018
Wainwright Facades was featured in the February 2018 issue of Architectural Product News.
Our Director, Joseph Wainwright is a semi-finalist in the 2018 young achiever awards!

Watch a quick flip through Wainwright Facades Brochure or view it in more detail here.
Wainwright Facades was featured on Channel Ten's 'The Home Team'.
January 2015
Wainwright Facades was featured in the January 2015 issue of the Canberra Weekly.

October 2014
Wainwright Facades was featured in the October 2014 issue of Architectural Product News.