Wainwright Facades is happy to announce we have a new project manager whom many of you will already be extremely familiar with. Matty Cole has been promoted to the role after completing his apprenticeship and running many successful projects for us as a site supervisor.
Director Joseph Wainwright said “Matty’s tireless work ethic and attention to detail makes him the obvious choice for the role. It’s a role we have been desperate to fill with our ever expanding work load and Matty will be able to use his skills to take us to the next level as a business. I can’t wait for Matty to get stuck into this role and see how he can develop his career as well as our business”.
Matty Cole had this to say “After working for 5 years with Wainwright Facades I now have the opportunity to take on a project manager role. This is something we have always talked about with the direction of the business, and it’s been awesome to see it come into fruition. It’s rewarding to reflect on where we started and where we are at now. We have a good crew at Wainwright Facades and I am looking forward to learning my new roll and being as effective as possible for us and the Client and Builders.”