In 2019 we started a new Wainwright Facades initiative where we are committed to support Carbon Positive Australia (formally Carbon Neutral Charitable Funds) tree planting program. Our employees have also offered to make a donation out of their wages each week.
Carbon Positive Australia specialise in biodiverse conservation plantings using trees and shrubs that are native to the region that will regenerate the natural landscape protecting Australia’s environment for future generations.
Landscape restoration and broad scale native tree planting is essential to prevent Australia losing large proportions of its biologically and evolutionarily unique fauna and flora. Additionally, trees are major players in carbon sequestration (storage). Carbon Positive Australia works on some of the largest native tree planting projects in Australia. Since 2006 Carbon Positive Australia has planted over 5.6 million native trees across 3000 hectares.
If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you.
6234 Trees DONATED
since 1 October 2019

We interviewed Wainwright Facades employee Matty Cole to find out a little more about the initiative and how it got started.
Q. Where did the idea come from to start this program?
A. We were working on a job in Forster so we had a few long drives there and back which got us thinking about different areas in his business and how we can give back.
Q. Why do you think programs like this are so important for businesses to participate in?
A. The construction industry can be pretty bad for wasting materials or for the overuse of materials. Working at Wainwright Facades we go through a lot of timber so it has always made me think about what we can do and how we can give back. Programs like this are a way that we can give back and reduce our carbon footprint. I believe if it’s going to positively effect climate change or the air quality or whatever it might be to make a difference that would be awesome to be a part of. We all have to start somewhere.
Q. Why is this program important for you personally?
A. It feels like it’s the right thing to do. It makes me feel more connected to my work and also in the community.
Q. What are your goals for the program?
A. It would be great to be able to make a big impact in terms of how many trees we are planting, our goal is to plant 10,000 trees within the next five years. And I would love to be able to plant a few trees myself one day.

2021 Tree Planting Project
We are so proud of the number of trees we have donated over the past year, so we were excited to find out that the Carbon Positive Australia tree planting project will be a bit closer to us next year near Nimbin, NSW. Donated trees will be planted on 29 hectares of Widjabul Country which will aim to:
Provide increased habitat for fauna (including koalas)
Create additional corridor planting between two national parks
Restore previously cleared dry rainforest
The increased stocking in the dry rainforest will improve biodiversity and encourage further natural regeneration. The corridor will allow species movement from one area to another, supporting species development.
For more information on the project you can get a PDF fact sheet from Carbon Positive Australia here.
Each month we have asked a different company that we work with to match our monthly donation of 100 trees.
We would like to thank the following companies who have generously donated in 2020;
January - Build&
February - Mitchell Insurance Management
March - GMH Electrical
April - MGI Joyce Dickson
May - Beaumont Concreting
June - Project Coordination
July - Icon
August - Manteena
September - Aluminium Facade Systems
October - ProClad
November - Fairview
December - N/A
We would like to thank the following companies who have generously donated in 2021;
January - Built
February - Network Architectural
March - Mitchell Insurance Management
April - Boss Projects Group
May - MGI Joyce Dickson
June - HVG Facades
July - Knight Frank and ISPT
August - Wellington Architectural
September - N/A
October - Informatech
November - Action Plumbing
December - TBC
We would like to thank the following companies who have generously donated in 2022;
January - MGI Joyce Dickson
February - CK Architecture
March - Mitchell Insurance Management
Please get in touch if you would like to be involved.

HELP us plant more trees
All payments are processed securely through PayPal. You do not need an account to donate.
You will also receive an e-card from Carbon Positive Australia with your donation amount once we have processed your donation.
How many trees will you donate? We have given some examples below;
1 tree = $4.00
5 trees = $20.00
8 trees = $32.00
10 trees = $40.00
15 trees = $60.00
20 trees = $80.00
40 trees = $160.00
60 trees = $240.00
80 trees = $320.00
100 trees = $400.00
Thank you so much for helping us help our planet!